Eyes On You, Vol. 2
20 mighty french bands are ready to storm the house with the help of some glorious veterans! Twenty seven years later, Closer prepare a second run of the best current scene's french bands', but also a selection of unissued tracks and assorted rarities from their rich 80's / 90's period, helped by combos that built Le Havre based label's legitimate pride and by a squad of bad mercenaries. Eyes On You compilation vol. 1 was so stunning in those days that it was impossible to avoid repeating now this tumultuous, innovative and unifying experience. Hexagonal Rock'n'Roll sacred flame never came fully extinguished, but in order to revive it, it was necessary to gather all scattered experiences spread around, to strike hard at the right place. Shall this double compilation be the detonator, unifying determined activists' common efforts to at long last spread the message among a larger audience. All regions from this country joined hands for this rebellion : from Le Havre to Nice, including Paris, Dijon, Lorient, Toulouse, Decazeville, Nogent. Those fierce , ferocious and fearless warriors , the worthy descendents of a musical tradition built on Rock'n'Roll, Punk or Power Pop foundations, are fully ready to point their sharp-edged riffs to the darkened skies, shadowed by so many years of starvation! Goddamn Rock'n'Roll ! Double LP (20 contemporary bands from the label Closer Records) : Guttercats, Hope, Red Eye Ball, Indian Ghost, Dum Dum Boys, Cantharide, The Bratchman, Mystery Machine, The Sonic Invaders, Radiocity shakers, Kitchenmen, Midnight Movers, The Fab Mods, BBC, The Romane Counteez, Asphalt Tuaregs, Whodunit, Skin a Buck, Little Green Fairy, Black Luna. Double CD (20 contemporary bands from the label Closer Records helped by 18 bands from the 80/90s) : Shifters, King Size, Les Coronados, The Boy Scouts, Stphane Hermlyn, Le Prehistoric Pop, The Jekylls, The Batmen, The Holy Curse, Real Cool Killers, Scuba Drivers, The Chasmbrats, Les Shtauss, Bad Losers, Wild Child, OX, Nito, Totsonic.