Curse, The
World Domination
Following their first album subject to de-horn the Vikings of Creation, "Suck it in, Spit out it", Swedish raiders, The Curse, sign on to Closer Records for their comeback masterpiece in the form of a sound maelstrom called "World Domination"! Leather hardened by years of touring, this quartet turns it up full throttle and nothing can stop this wild invasion filled with electric fronts and ravaging beats! As with their Viking ancestors, they worship no church, no bell-tower, no dogma. they believe in the might of their own power and this is their driving force. Indeed, one cannot peg The Curse to any particular style: neither garage, nor punk, nor high energy. they are all that at the same time but much more still. They know how to transcend the rules by digesting their best influences to produce a unique sound: ultra-powerful, gorged with fuzz and solid in fusion. Recorded and produced, as their first opus, by the excellent Rick Trivellini, this second album has achieved the quintessence of what Rock'n'Roll should be: direct, brutal, acid, electric, disrespectful and without compromise!