Unpop Sound, The
Candy Anne/three-eyed Gemini
This 7" vinyl single is a two-song homage to the timeless pre-pop innocence of Anne Frank, from members of The Partridge Family Temple performing as The Unpop Sound. Masterminded by Shaun "The Partridge in The Pear Tree" Partridge, the A-side of this single features the groovy electro-pop number "Candy Anne (What A Delight!)" - a thoroughly modern and of-the-moment upbeat electro-pop hit. Side B follows with the track "Three Eyed Gemini (Out Of Sight!)" - a retro-modern psychedelic mind-bender (which ends in an endlessly repeating hypnotic locked/looped groove). Candy Anne / Three-Eyed Gemini is pressed on lime green vinyl and is limited to an edition of 500 copies. Shaun Partridge was deemed "One of The 7 Most Unique Internet Personalities" by Flavorwire. He has been interviewed on various podcasts and websites to support his numerous creative endeavors, including this vinyl single.