Live Kraut
Just to make it quite clear from the very beginning, this compilation does not claim any completeness. It not even rudimentary can reflect what went on during the 70s on Westgerman stages. But this compilation helps to remember this exciting time, as in the former West Germany a real spirit of optimism prevailed and a musical phenomenon emerged, which became internationally known as Krautrock. Sireena Records consciously did not chose the best known bands of the era but on first hand chosed the different styles of Krautrock live on stage. Therefore it goes without saying that the recording-qualities might differ. There are professional and also semi-professional cuts. What you clearly can hear is the fun and improvisation during all recordings - that was the most important criterion for this compilation. This album offers (nearly) all: Wonderful-symphonic music (Grobschnitt, Jane, Anyones Daughter), bands with long extended jam-sessions (Mythos, Gila, Virus, Out Of Focus), jazzrock (Guru Guru, Embryo), folkrock (Ougenweide), political correctness (Eulenspygel) and crispy RocknRoll (Karthago, Nine Days Wonder). Yes, those were the days and thats how it sounds today.