Rosengren Quartet, Bernt
Jazz is a music form that, according to us, is the best live - in the moment, here and now. During the almost 15 years that this quartet existed, Bernt has almost every concert brought with him songs that we have never played before. Small arrangements which we often change and reform while playing, all depending which way the music leads us in. This only works in groups when the chemistry, trust and communication are fully matched. When we entered the studio to record the group's fourth record, the goal was to get just the live feel but with the studio's benefits as a warm acoustic sound and a good, well-tuned grand piano. All songs on the record are recorded in the order they appear on the disc, in the same order as if we were playing a concert. With the difference that there is no audience and that we took some breaks for coffee and lunch. Now the listener can experience just what we experienced in the studio for two days in May.