Ogres De Barback, Les
Amours Grises & Coleres Rouges
Back to business. Back to new, original songs, five years after the band celebrated 20 years of existence with the album Vous m'emmerdez! Almost an eternity for the many loyal fans. Don't think that the Burguiere family - Fred, Sam, Mathilde and Alice - have been playing the absentee card during this time. Because overactive and creative natures never change, the Ogres de Barback have successively teamed up with their friends from Bal Brotto Lopez and Un Air, Deux Familles. Taking to the road and distilling contagious enthusiasm, enthusiasm, generosity and astonishing intensity as a collective is in their genes. Never satisfied, they have even concocted a fine feast for Pierre Perret, calling in a host of more than agreeable guests in his honour. Neither flamboyant nor mechanical, these merry men never cease to impose their independence and their vision thanks to sound values and hard work.