Mitch Jacobs Band
Gulf Coast Jamboree
Mitch Jacobs is part Johnny Cash toughness, part Roy Orbison vulnerability, part Marty Robbins country crooning, and a heaping helping of Texas bravado baritone. And speaking of Robbins, Mitchs original tune, "Rosas Cantina," is a respectful sequel to Martys story of such a place in his classic track, "El Paso." This is the jukebox world in which Mitch Jacobs music resides. The four tracks on his latest EP recall a time when folks like Johnny, Roy, and Marty kept jukeboxes blaring. The big and brassy "Whos Gonna Bail Me Out" is a topical song for these tough economic times, while "Lonely Tonight" provides Mitch a soaring setting for singing a heartfelt ballad. The unforgettable rocker "Whats So Hard About Love" gets the full Tex-Mex treatment. This latest release from Mitch and the guys is just like a Mitch Jacobs Band live show. Its a Gulf Coast Jamboree.