Freddy Steady 5
1000 Miles
Melodic power pop is alive and well with the mighty Freddie Steady 5 from Austin, Texas. Freddie Steady has traveled 1000 miles times 50 times over in his musical lifetime, many miles shared with his mate Cam King on guitar, as both powered the legendary Explosives through an earlier musical wave. But this is the 1000 Miles to hear, as Freddie and Cam continue rocking them together. The vinyl version features four fiery new originals, bringing sixties rock roaring into 2012 with a modern sensibility. Theres a pure rock and roll groove through the urgent title track and the gloriously creepy Twisted Smile. The CD version includes two more songs: a Freddie rarity and a swirling psychedelic nugget from the late Rusty Wiers early band, The Wig. Rustys son Bon drums in the Freddie Steady 5, so the miles lead back to where it all started.