Divided Heaven
"It seems like everyone is picking up an acoustic guitar these days, but when was the last time the music truly make you feel something? Look no further than DIVIDED HEAVENâTs resonant new album Youngblood. This sophomore effort from singer/songwriter and road warrior Jeff Berman introduces a full band while combining crisp rhythms and no-frills lyrics. This approach to acoustic-punk will reinvigorate your love of clever ballads. Warm tones & heart-wrenching harmonies run rampant on Youngblood. Standout cuts like â~Melissa MilitiaâT â~The WorstâT and â~GinâT infuse glowing riffs with Americana melodies. Produced by Charlie Stavish (Imagine Dragons, Ryan Adams) and Stephen Egerton (ALL, Descendents), this record is sure to invoke the earnest rabble-rouser in all of us. "