Daycare Swindlers
Someone once said theres two kinds of people in this world: workhorses and show ponies. That man was an idiot. Daycare Swindlers easily prove this concept wrong on Reradiate, their first full length since 2004s The Morning After. Catchy songs like Telephone sit right next to songs like Reradiate, which tackle weightier topics and yet not a song on this album feels out of place. Daycare Swindlers may have grown up, but unlike so many bands today, they havent forgotten how to have fun. While Reradiate may be very different from the ska roots of New and Tasty and even lightly tread on some country influenced rhythms at times, this highly anticipated new release will leave you with the same feeling of enlightened exhilaration and excruciating enjoyment as their previous releases. FFO: Morning Glory, Deftones, No-Ca$h, Meat Puppets