Bratchman, The
Until The Very End
So here comes Olivier Bratch Nemejanskis third album, of cult Dum Dum Boys fame, and sometimes singer / guitarist for bands such as Bratchmen, Groovers and Warmbabies. Recorded between the Riviera and the Caribbean, in collaboration with the soundboard wizzard / multi-instrumentalist John Wayne Supermarket (aka Philippe Gilard), this album, in addition to recurring telescoped influences of Dean Martin Lee Hazlewood, Alex Chilton, or Suicide and The Jesus & Mary Chain, does not open ,as Antoine Blondin would say, a tunnel between Wang-Ho and Yang-Tse-Kiang, but draws a virtual air bridge between the Trade Winds and the Tramontana, for a deliciously opiate indolent bacchanal, which in turn will invite musicians from different backgrounds (Indian Ghosts Don Joe, Bang Bang Girl Bands Sheri Corleone, Cantharides Pierre Choum Chaissac, Canadian Franco Car, Memphis Electronic, Karyn Brunella No! , Marc Galliani, Fabien Molina and Cdric Lauer & his magic trumpet .). Bratchs voice both deep and candy, drives us into shifted noisy pop environments, Think About It and its tart organ, Hard To Believe , Do not Want To See You Here At All where ghosts Lou Reed and Peter Perret come gently tickle us. We do not wish to enumerate all titles one by one, but how one can resist to the delicious fuzzy and geometric rockabilly of Higher And Higher , to the cover of that other fake dilettante genius (Kevin Ayers) Singing A Song In The Morning", or that of "Kathryn , which captivating refrain sparks from a dark compilation of a low-fi DIY genius, Charles Douglas.