Bradley, Clint
Riding After Midnight
Every singer, songwriter or musician has a seminal moment at some time in their lives. You hear or see something that makes you want to pick up an instrument and play. For Clint Bradley it was hearing Marty Robbins sing gun fighter ballads and being totally captivated by the sound of his voice, the melody of the music and the vivid stories of the songs. Recording his third solo album "Riding After Midnight" became a dream come true for Clint. He wanted to record it with the soul deep at the center of all that love about Western music and its values but also bring a little of his own identity to the album, as those who have gone before have done. From a production point of view the recording process is kept pure and acoustic, the emphasis being on soul and performance with a great deal of passion. Clint Bradley is known to the rockabilly world as the outstanding voice of The Blue Cats. Beside that he is also an acclaimed and established solo artist and songwriter in his own right.