Zappa, Frank
Brest 1979 Vol.2
NOT FOR SALE TO G.A.S (GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND) VOLUME 2. OF THE EXTRAORDINARY 1979 FRANK ZAPPA BROADCAST, HOT ON THE HEELS OF THE SHEIK YERBOUTI ALBUM! Largely recorded live during 1977 and 1978, Frank Zappas 1979 double, Sheik Yerbouti, was the first release on the musicians newly formed Zappa Records, following Franks departure from Warner Bros Records. Featuring the Grammy nominated Dancin Fool, as well as the controversial Bobby Brown, a track banned from US airplay. Released on March 3rd 79 - at the time Zappa was touring Europe, where his audience had long outweighed his domestic fan-base - the album became his best-selling album of all during his lifetime. On March 19th, the band performed at the Parc de Penfeld, in Brest, France, for a show that was recorded for live FM Radio Broadcast, transmitted across continental Europe and synched too on many US stations