Z, The
People Of The Mirror World
Masterminded by cult hero Paul Moody (of Mod legends The Studio 68!) THE Z are already the biggest band on Beetlegeuse and an intergalactic sensation Fronted by mesmeric Italian girl singer ZOOT (a practicing High Priestess!) with music by the enigmatic Sebastian Wilde, their extraordinary debut album PEOPLE OF THE MIRROR WORLD is influenced by everyone from Julie Driscoll to Jefferson Airplane; Serge Gainsbourg to Slade; Fanny to The Small Faces. Already likened to Swedish outfit BLUES PILLS, they are making waves across Europe and are regularly featured on BBC This is their debut UK release, in an ***ultra-limited** initial CD print run. In the immortal words of Z-Man Barzell from Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls.. This is their happening, and it will freak you out!