Wollard, Chris -& The Ship Thieves-
Chris Wollard defied expectations with the first Ship Thieves record, turning in an album of varied songs ranging from rockers akin to his other band HOT WATER MUSIC to acoustic gems, to sleepy soundtracks for an all-night drive. In amongst the traditional sounds were tasteful flourishes and touches that were noticed more each with every spin. The album was a sleeper that seemed to hit people at just the right moment and garnered a large following, which continues to percolate and grow. The Ship Thieves have been playing in their current form for several years and are pistol tight! "Canyons" delivers wall-to-wall rockers, soaring melodic guitar leads, and a rock solid rhythm section. The Ship Thieves are versed in Motown and soul records, and whip up a tasty batch of swampy, gritty rock'n'roll steeped in the warm smoke of delta blues. Honestly, I cant think of a better description than the one that came off the cuff from Chris Wollard himself, "Southern punks playing rock and roll!"