Wilde, Marty
Rock! Rock! Rock N Roll
One of several artists who broke through at the tail end of the 1950s as Britain embraced the rock and roll craze, Marty Wilde scored his first hit in 1958 and is still touring more than fifty seven years later, a remarkable endurance record. This compilation gathers together thirteen of Marty Wildes best known rock and roll recordings, including such hits as Teenager In Love, Sea Of Love and Rubber Ball. There are also hits that Marty penned himself, including Bad Boy, a UK Top Ten hit which was covered for the American market by Robin Luke. A collection such as this would be relevant at almost any time, given Martys enduring and endearing popularity. It is not just a nostalgia thing, for Marty continues to tour with The Wildcats, performing a rock and roll show around the country on a regular basis - this album is as close to a soundtrack as youre likely to get!