Volcanics, The (aus)
Volatile World
The Volcanics are back five years after their previous album "Black Door" and now it's "Volatile World" the album with which they intend to blow your mind with their rock'n'roll inspired by bands around them such as Victims or The Scientists without forgetting the energy and injection of sweat provided by their admiration for classic bands such as MC5, Stooges or AC/DC. However, The Volcanics have managed to carve out their own style, their brand, always without exaggeration and attacking directly where you need it most. The ten tracks on this album are a delight for fans of bands that come from the antipodes (Radio Birdman, Hoodoo Gurus, The Saints). "Why'd ya do do that", "Volatile World" and "Saturday Night" served as digital singles to preview what they were up to and which they revealed to us through social networks. Now, other hits like "Always Night Time", "City Move On", "When The Light is On" are added to the equation. They also drag you away and destroy you with the wild "Red/Blue Day" and "The Only One". They leave moments of mid-tempo for calm and to let you get carried away after the storm, "Submarine" and the album closer "Don't Have To Be". Without a doubt, an essential album in any discography that prides itself on boasting of "masterpiece" albums. Limited edition of only 250 copies!