Voie 81


Immediate departure on Voie 81.<br />Voie 81 is a Parisian wave synthporn duo, which adds the female voices of three European capitals : Paris, Madrid and Berlin. Their music is a cry of freedom and finds its inspiration in the 1980s'analogical sound.<br />The lyrics are unifying, feminist and socially committed, performed in German, English, Spanish and French.<br /><br />Who is Voie 81 ?<br />They are Kraftwork's long lost sons or the result of David Gahan's multiple affairs during his 1988 tour in the US. It might also be a reconditioning of Bishop that Ridley Scott kept in the fridge? Or two rebel students who did not attend their classes and stayed in their room to compose their music? Actually, the truth is even more impressive... Voie 81 is two policemen jaded with their everyday life, who finally wrote songs about women's complaints in a 19th Parisian district's police station.<br /><br />What does Voie 81 mean ?<br />The word Voie `Track' has many definitions and synonyms: a direction, a way, a career trajectory... a motorway, an axis, a groove, a journey, a path to follow, a way to behave, a fashion or an example to follow. It is also a pun on the word `track' (voie in French) and the voice (voix in French).

€ 18.75
LP - 1 disk
Release date
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