Selectors 004 - Joy Orbison
The Dekmantel Selectors compilation series is set to continue with a highly anticipated edition curated by Joy Orbison. First announced in 2015 when the Selectors project was unveiled, the fourth compilation in the series finds the singular UK talent curating a sort of tribute to his home country and its rich musical history. Like many of us, Joy Orbison (a.k.a. Peter O'Grady) is a product of his environment. Based in London, he's keenly aware of the UK's unique musical landscape and the role it's played in shaping his own artistic vision. Growing up, the sounds of garage, jungle and dubstep all made an impression on him, but O'Grady knows that the roots of this music go back much further. "Soundsystem culture is a thread that runs through almost everything here," he says. "It's had a huge effect on me, sometimes without me even knowing it."