Saustex Variations
The Saustex Variations is a low-priced 20 track sampler that features the meat of the active Saustex roster with a couple of cuts each from current and forthcoming releases: the wild and lyrical cowpunk of A Pony Named Olga (Berlin); Throwback New Orleans R&B infused psychobilly from The Hares (San Antonio); masterful garage blues by Churchwood (Austin); the furious and artful Tejano punk of Piñata Protest (San Antonio); outsider lo-fi Delta blues by The Copper Gamins (Mexico City); the pornographic honky-tonk vibe of The Beaumonts (Lubbock); legacy Tex-Mex boogie cowpunk from the Hickoids (Austin); sociopathic and grungy hard rock courtesy of Billy Joe Winghead (Tulsa), and the hardest working ladymen in show business, The Grannies (San Francisco).