Melt! Vi
In a silhouette, enormous diggers rise from afar. They show the way - the way to Melt! festival, which has been growing and thriving in the shadows of the giants for eleven years now: Melt! arrived in the Champions League of international festivals - and was promptly nominated for a UK Festival Award. In 2008, more than 20,000 visitors came together amid the breathtaking scenery, 3,000 even from outside of Germany, and 300 members of the minternational press reported in 28 countries from the events at Ferropolis, the City of Iron. Melt! is different. Unlike all the others. The festival is renowned for its exuberant, genre-transcending and always harmonious line-up between guitar and electronica. The organizers always keep an eye on the big picture while remaining fond of the details. Its billing is among the best - and still, the organizers have been able to keep its charm and independent nature. And Melt! sets trends: Acts play their first German shows here; A&Rs look to Grfenhainichen for whats hot. The audience already knows: performers who start out small here, will have raving fans tomorrow. This festival combines opposites: Melt! is great, but small.