Various (type O Negative Tribute)
Blast No. 1
Blast No.1 is a tribute to Type O Negative, in which various death, grind, crust, d-beat and powerviolence bands present their interpretation of songs written by Brooklyns most characteristic group ever. Its a crazy blend of blast beats, harsh guitars and growls mixed with melancholy and atmosphere that was always an essential part of ToNs music. This tribute album is brave, vulgar and extending the boundaries of both grindcore and Peter Steeles songs. As a matter of fact, many members of most noisy bands on the planet are really dedicated fans of ToN music: genre defying crust pioneers from UK - HELLBASTARD, Polish grind veterans - SCHISMOPATHIC, 1st league Southeast Asia reps - PROLETAR or Irelands most deadly weapon - ABADDON INCARNATE . to name a few.