Van't Hof, Jasper/ Paul Heller Group
The title says it all: 'Conversations'. Jasper van't Hof, Paul Heller, Martin Gjakonovski and Bodek Janke have intensive musical conversations, they talk amicably, wittily, informally, but never without commitment. You listen to them as if you were listening to a confidential conversation that you can't, and don't have to, avoid: The Inspirational Conversation is made to be shared and enjoyed. 'We have a communication that works incredibly naturally,' enthuses Paul Heller. 'None of us feels pushed in any direction, it's a conversation between friends who get along well.' Heller is aware that Jasper van't Hof's contribution is something very special: 'Jasper doesn't accompany, he brings constantly coming up with things that you react to and do things in turn that you probably never would have done otherwise.'