Van Wissem, Jozef
Ex Mortis
The idea of Ex Mortis, or From Death, was key to this album. It is inscribed on the lute used to record this album, and refers to the renaissance of lute music as carried out by Van Wissem. The new compositions are inspired by The Book of Gostlye Grace, which was written by nuns in the convent of Helfta in the 1290s. It depicts an intense religious and even erotic desire to get closer to God. Playing around the dichotomy of eros and thanatos, Van Wissem paints a vivid and engrossing picture. He got the help from Jarboe (Swans), Nikolaj Komiagin (shortparis) and Thor (Swans) to get his take on Ex Mortis come to full fruition. For fans of: Jim Jarmusch/ Squrl, Monnik, Wardruna...