The Great Central Sun
Thighpaulsandra (Timothy Lewis) is a multi-instrumentalist musician, having participated in numerous albums by the band Coil, in particular the masterpieces that are the two volumes of "Musick to Play in the Dark" and "Astral Disaster". He also joined Jason Pierce's band Spiritualized for a live tour of the United States, taking part in the famous "Live at the Albert Hall, Let it Come Down". Massimo Pupillo, meanwhile, is best known as the bassist with Zu, an Italian jazzcore trio with whom he has produced over fifteen albums, as well as numerous solo and collaborative efforts, notably with Dalek, David Chalmin and on the recent This Immortal Coil "The World Ended A Long Time Ago". Massimo Pupillo is an eclectic musician, collaborating on numerous projects ranging from jazz and improvisation to avant-garde and noise. "The Great Central Sun" is an album oscillating between drone and ambient, in a mysterious, hazy atmosphere evoking images of interstellar travel or mental exploration. It should be perceived as a true sensory voyage, immersing the listener in a dense and complex sound universe. These two long pieces seem eternal, taking us from another space-time, while the elaborate textures and hypnotic synthesizer sounds of Thighpaulsandra create a captivating atmosphere. The result is a work in which every detail is crafted with remarkable precision, a transcendental experience, a vision of a world beyond reality.