their fourth full-length work, Tupperwear completely departs from the "stylish" electronics and trends to delve into a profound exploration of the fundamentals of music. It involves a quest or even a game through the extrapolation of geometry into various musical parameters, encom-passing classical aspects like pitch, timbre, rhythm, intensity, etc., as well as noise, textures, or the implicit mathemat-ics in natural or irrational elements. Pentagonono delves into cosmology and nature. It is a musical approach without prejudices to basic numerology that unveils the universe, the harmonic scale, the number e, and logarithmic spirals. The golden ratio (phi) and the omni-present number pi are also explored. Geometric shapes, proportions, and divisions of vibrating elements are transmit-ted through the air, internalized by humans, and transformed into music. Following in the footsteps of previous sound explorers from various spatial and temporal origins such as Gamelan music with its infinite polyrhythmic replication, Psychedelia, Serialism, Musique Concree, Bach, or J Dilla, this album presents itself as a materialization of ideas and concerns that, while already present in the band's musical understand-ing, are now brought to the forefront as if it were a vital manifesto.