Timor Et Tremor
Realm Of Ashes
After 6 years without release Timor Et Tremor returns from a "Realm of Ashes"! As the band's most personal album the lyrics emanate from a deep inner sense of each band member while every song describes the whole process of creation over the years. These songs shaped by a consistent evolution carry the typical characteristics that define the sound of Timor Et Tremor like melodic guitars, varied songwriting and the unmistakable mix of clean and harsh vocals that combine to the essential cornerstones. "Realm of Ashes" stands clearly out from its predecessors by the addition of new elements. In spite of this ongoing development Timor Et Tremor preserves its unique handwriting and keeps following the chosen path of "Chattic Black Metal". The renowned ,Woodshed Studio" took care of a clear and massive mix, undeniably demanded by ,Realm Of Ashes". This achieved clarity of every detail captures the listener and enables an immersive insight into the world of Timor Et Tremor. Each song of "Realm of Ashes" stands for its own, but together they lay the path through a realm of ashes...