Legacy Of Fertility
Complete discography of 1980s American hardcore band, available on CD or two LPs. Political punk influenced by the Dead Kennedys, Minutemen, Crass, Black Flag. The CD includes both LPs, the Reproduction 7" EP, and bonus unreleased songs. The material was produced by Paul Mahern of The Zero Boys. TRACK LISTING: 1. Scene Death 2. Th Shitpile 3. eMpTyV 4. Fantasy Express 5. Packaged Time 6. US of A 7. Exercise 1 8. Fools Paradise 9. Middle Class Refugees 10. Dead Time 11. The Positive Song 12. Good Ol Daze 13. But Not for Me 14. Jesus Youth 15. Satan Youth 16. Hardcore Inc. 17. Exercise 3 18. History Lesson 19. Exercise 4 20. Plain Speaking 21. In the Woods 22. Toys R Us 23. Baby Lets Play Exile 24. Piss Test 25. 11/4 26. Exercise 6 27. Captain Action 28. Too Much Hardcore for Breakfast 29. Big Brothers Little Brother 30. The Elite 31. Ten Years After 32. Walk This Way to the Crack 33. Concerned 34. Fast Food Society 35. Reel Life.