Tek, Deniz
Mean Old Twister
Deniz Tek felt the need to strike while the iron was hot and began work on Mean Old Twister in 2013 just as Detroit album was being released. Recorded between Radio Birdman tours, the new album captures the live experience with some new sonic textures added to the mix. Mean Old Twister was recorded with the same band which appeared on Detroit. Drummer Ric Parnell is best known for his work in Spinal Tap and Atomic Rooster. Bassist Bob Brown has been working with Deniz since the Australian tour supporting Taking It To The Vertical, Deniz's first solo album. Radio Birdman cohort Rob Younger stepped in to supervise the mix, adding another sharp ear to the process. Twelve songs, twelve different emotions. Slashing guitars are the theme of this trip. Burned Black sets the tone right at the start. The shimmering surf instrumental Comanche winds down the first side. The autobiographical Stonsey country ballad Table For One is the lone quiet moment. Free At Last, an acoustic folk song is the only diversion from the electric guitar attack on the second side. Deniz Tek is effortlessly creating top shelf albums 40 years into his career. The vinyl release features a Deniz Tek painting as the cover art. Deniz's iconic Epiphone guitar is featured on the CD cover.