The Berlin-based electronic duo Tarwater (Ronald Lippok and Bernd Jestram) formed in 1995. They have produced eleven regular studio albums and various collaborations (eg with Piano Magic, Tuxedomoon , B. Fleischmann), as well as numerous film and theater scores . Lippok also plays in the band To Rococo Rot. File under: Indietronics, Neo Krautrock "We are not minimalists," emphasize Tarwater. Perhaps the term is overused to the point of meaninglessness, but it can certainly be assumed that the band has been labeled as such more than once. Their new album "Adrift" is an album of voices and rhythms, with an atmosphere that may at first seem reduced, yet further listening reveals a wealth of detail. "Adrift" was created in 2013/14 and completed after Ronald Lippok and Bernd Jestram worked together with Maurus Ronner on the soundtrack for the documentary "24h Jerusalem". Such projects are not a disruption for Tarwater, but serve as catalysts for new interactions. They make music in a "laboratory with changing experimental arrangements".