South Side Racketeers
Coming Home
Four friends with a common love for sixties Blue Beat, Ska, Jamaican RnB and other music decided to form a band incorporating the above influences into their own material. A few choice cover versions including 'Ali Baba', 'Bartender' and Renegade' complemented the bed of contemporary sounding but original cuts written by the four. The Racketeers without doubt are one of Portsmouth's finest and certainly one of the most popular bands in the area since the early days of 'Emptyfish', 'The Caravans', 'Six Gun Sound' an the early 80s. Now a six / seven piece-piece band playing Jamaican RnB, Trad Ska, with lashings of real Soul. Not a total covers band with 80% of self-penned material. Charismatic to the end with consistently tight and lively performances.