Smoking Hearts
The Smoking Hearts released their debut album Pride Of Nowhere in 2010. They were ready to rumble then, so three years down the line on sophomore album Victory! theres little doubt in our mind that with the charismatic Cheshire-cat grin of Ben Mills at the helm, the Hearts are ready to rip it up this year. Anthems like Benedict and Seatbelts see the band at their melody driven best, with just enough call and response hooks and hefty sludge-laden riffs to tip them over from inaccessible hardcore into the realm of contemporaries like The Bronx, Clutch and Corrosion Of Conformity. Quite how theyve have fl own under the radar for so long is frankly a mystery - the musicianship, song writing and live show align in a knuckleduster-clad holy trinity of punk. This band is the Fight Club of music - slightly tongue in cheek, aggressive, understatedly intelligent and fucking good fun