Silver Snakes/souvenirs
Winter Songs
The art of the split release has all but been lost in recent years, or so it seems. Yes, some collaborative efforts have surfaced that feel like tandem attacks on the senses, but by and large most have felt haphazard at best. Leave it to SILVER SNAKES and SOUVENIRS, both bands that harken back to the great music of the 90s in their own ways, to revitalize the craft of the split so widely loved in that decade. Since forming in 2010, Los Angeles, CA-based band SILVER SNAKES have been offering a refreshing take on the sound first championed by the likes of AT THE DRIVE-IN and QUICKSAND. Their latest full-length, Pictures of a Floating World, was produced by RX BANDITS Steve Choi and mixed by NO MOTIVs Roger Camero, and saw a vinyl release via Animal Style Records earlier this year. With recent tours alongside DEFEATER, ROTTING OUT, and SAINTHOOD REPS, SILVER SNAKES continue to prove their appeal defies classification. Relative newcomers SOUVENIRS, hailing from Carpinteria, CA, have wasted no time getting to work on letting as many people hear their band as possible. Already during their short existence, they have undertaken two lengthy full US coast-to-coast tours, plus numerous regional jaunts, including a string of dates recently in Canada. Somewhere in their hectic schedule, SOUVENIRS managed to record the EP Tired Of Defending You for 6131 Records with Jack Shirley (JOYCE MANOR, WHIRR), putting a contemporary spin on the sound originated by bands like MINERAL, KNAPSACK, and PAVEMENT.