Silicone Prairie
Volume Ii
Ever since releasing 'My Life on the Silicone Prairie Vol. I' in 2021, Ian Teeple has been riding a creative high. Whether you've noticed his incredible visual art, witnessed the cathartic Silicone Prairie live band, or know Ian as the newest member of Snooper - his driving, free-spirited energy abounds. Silicone Prairie have transcended landlocked guitar punk/jangle into new realms on Vol. II. The album manages to color outside the lines of genre, blurring worlds of sound together beautifully. Cloudy bedroom pop tangles with fields of flute, warbled tape editing, thick fuzzed guitars, and a sage sense of introversion. 'My Life on the Silicone Prairie Vol. II' is a deeply personal, ethereal ride through the mind of Ian Teeple, joined by friends from Kansas City and abroad.