Serries, Dirk
Unseen Descending And Lamentation
Unseen Descending And Lamentations is the result of Dirk Serries collaborations with (free)jazz and improv artists. These new encounters led Serries to a whole new approach of finding inspiration, and to the actual writings of his solo output. Not only his instrumentarium is augmented with a 1976 Fender Rhodes and a violin, his recent solo concerts in Norway also sparked Serries to explore a vast array of sounds - without losing track of his minimal and atmospheric roots. Almost simultaneously, Serries was reconnecting with his classic VidnaObmana period (1987-1996) - which will even result in a brand new album on the trusted Projekt Records. It comes to no surprise then these influences also echo throughout his new solo material. The new album, which serves as a prelude to the successor of the 2013 critically acclaimed microphonics xxi-xxv album, creates a musical universe that bridges the gap between ,vintage" Serries, and the Serries that is constantly searching for new ways to touch the sublime in sounds, harmonies and atmospheres. Unseen Descending And Lamentations is a very personal expression of new musical developments in constant motion.