Deadhead Syndicate
SEPTAGON is the creature of LANFEAR / THEMS mastermind Markus "Ulle" Ullrich, who in 2013 met Markus Becker (ATLANTEAN KODEX) with the idea of forming an old-school speed/thrash metal band which had the aggression of Exodus, Slayer and Testament but also the melody and technical appeal of Forbidden, Heathen, Realm, Watchtower. Once the two Markuses came together, the line-up was shortly completed with Jn Schrank (LANFEAR) on drums and Alexander Palma on bass. Though Ulle is used to to play all guitars on LANFEAR, he was determined to find a a second guitarist for SEPTAGONs in order to make bands sound tighter, and the choice finally fell on Stef-Billig Gollub. With such skilled members, "Deadhead Syndicate" results thus an extremely versatile album with an amazing creative edge; constantly supported by a precise and dynamic rhythm section, the guitars draw fantastic patterns at a furious pace and the vocals sound convincing in these intense and torrid sounds as well as in the more-paced moments. In the end, as described by the band itself, "Deadhead Syndicate" is a METAL ALBUM with lots of riffs & melody. Fast, technical tracks, mid paced stuff and good hooklines. Not a mere side-project but a real band, SEPTAGON will make its debut on stage on Jan 31 at Metal Assault Festival (Germany) with the likes of LIEGE LORD, VENOM INC. and RAM.