Schnitzler, Conrad -& Wolf Sequenza-
Consequenz Ii
Composer and conceptual artist Conrad Schnitzler (1937-2011) was one of the most influential figures of the electronic avant-garde in Germany. In 1967/68, the Joseph Beuys student founded the Zodiak Free Arts Lab, which became a playground for Berlin subculture. In addition to numerous solo releases Schnitzler was also involved in various band formations not least Tangerine Dream and Kluster. Representing another of his musical landmarks are the Consequenz releases. 'Consequenz II emerged from a collaboration with Wolfgang Seidel alias Wolf Sequenza, and is the follow-up project to Consequenz which was a low-budget production that had an overriding aim of liberating music from its elitist circles in a 'Beuys-ian sense. Consequenz II returned to the theme with electronic apparatus that professionalised the sound but by no means reduced the fun he found in experimentation.