Roko Banana
Fins Que Surti El Sol (red)
Doubts and contradictions that do not prevent Roko Banana from considering their songs as a way of enjoying music in the most essential way, for the pleasure of creating them, of letting themselves be carried away by certain arrangements, by a melody and a rhythm that flow beyond genres. A game and a reflection on their sound that already comes from before. In their previous work, El Veïnat (2021), they tried a denser, more complex sound language, which has evolved towards an intermediate, more accessible point, which is how Fins que surti el sol (2024) sounds. From the first listen, of a song or the album, they win you over, they invite you to enjoy it as much as they do. Could we say that their thing is indie rock, in the original, most primitive sense of the term? Do they have something of that word, from when it emerged from that alternative rock, so sensitive, with unbridled guitars, which without any shame let themselves be carried away by other styles. Because yes, Roko Banana can contain traces of experimentation, emo, math rock...