The electronic pioneer Hans-Joachim Roedelius is a legendary figure in popular music. He founded the seminal bands Cluster and Harmonia, which also included Dieter Moebius and Michael Rother. Stefan Schneider was a founding member of Kreidler (1994-99) and is part of the trio To Rococo Rot. He has released several albums under the name Mapstation. "Stunden" is a unique record. It sounds new and unprecedented. This is instrumental music: No one sings or speaks, yet it tells stories from the present, writing them in the wind. In twelve miniatures with titles such as "Liebe", "Das Eine" and "Country", Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Stefan Schneider unfold images that come across poetically, glorifying tranquility. Despite the use of synthesizers and amplifiers, they are closer to the texts of Adalbert Stifter than to the machine music of Kraftwerk.