Respublica Von Taztika
La Riposte Du Compost
New episode of a protean creative odyssey, La Riposte du Compost, VON TAZTIKA's first album, opens the doors to "Champ de Pagaille" and its proliferating imagination. Still inhabited by the energy of its founding utopias, Docteur Vandale and his acolytes offer here a musical object that is atypical to say the least: A music in a State of Hybridity which is based on a groovy and incisive bass drum, a mutant guitar, an electronic compound combining samples and analog synths, and a song that vacillates between spoken words, melody and rap. Produced by Benjamin Cahen, this disc takes care of the atmospheres and weaves sound, noise and electronic textures. with totally hallucinatory musical tracks crossed with electroshock. A bizarre verbal carnival composed of ten titles carried by texts in French, at once engaged, poetic and offbeat.