"Antworten" ("answer") is the third instalment in a trilogy of Qluster music, following on from the "Fragen" ("question") and "Rufen" ("call") studio albums. The fact that the music on "Antworten" was created before "Rufen" and "Fragen" were recorded is less of a paradox than it might at first appear. For the expansive piano fantasies of their 2007 recordings had already provided a clear answer to the two musicians question as to whether, and to what degree, they wished to collaborate in the future. Seldom has a musical duo been so united in heart and soul as Roedelius and Bock that January of evening in 2007. Their improvised nocturnes on two Steinways in the Berliner Philharmonie were delectable. Completely unplugged and utterly relaxed, Roedelius and Bock tossed musical ideas back and forth without pause, occasionally adding in the delicate tone of a distant singing bowl. Something rare, something wonderful happened in the course of this midnight session. Two perfectly inspired virtuosos coalescing into one person-Qluster-speaking in one language to tell us of something which we no longer need to dream, as we can hear on "Antworten". The notes flow incessantly, yet they also convey peace and quiet, a balancing act of which only the most mature personalities are capable.