THE PUSSYBATS Rock (Rock, Gothic, Glam) more precisely? Come on, anything is rock'n'roll somehow, isn't it? Isn't anything emotion? And aren't the most beautiful tales always the sad ones? After listening to the debut album "famous last songs", all those questions are obsolete anyway,you'll get drawn into the music without any chance to escape. That's the moment when the meaning of the album title becomes clear: Those are songs worth dying for! The four guys from Stuttgart have emancipated themselves from their influences - going from Johnny Cash to Placebo, the Backyard Babies and Mot- and finally found their very self, their own style and sound. Rock riffs, catchy melodies, emotion and melancholy melt into a soul-touching entity. Songs like a roller coaster ride between a goodbye kiss and a kick in your ass. A voice that's gonna haunt your dreams. And last but not least, thrilling, entertainment-packed live shows.