"This album is my testament to hope!", says Yves Schelpe. "Its a journey from utter despair towards joy and happiness. With "Lightflare", I leave behind those bitter moments in life, the album is a beacon, shining, standing tall like a lighthouse in a rough ocean storm, waiting to be a guide for all those lost at sea. For those wandering souls, for you, and perhaps - and more than likely - even for the "future me"". This 14-track album sort of retraces the Belgian artists music therapy efforts and his emotional ascension from the darkest thoughts towards more joyful moments of enlightenment. While PSYAVIAHs sound remains quite focused on his characteristic style range hovering somewhere between synthpop / electropop / triphop melange, with sometimes heavier electronic dance tracks, we clearly perceive the switch of atmosphere and moods from the more tortuous and self-questioning songs (e.g.: "The Great Disconnect", Lost At Sea", "Lonely Soul", "Plan B", "Aftermath", "Heavy Heart", "Under The Rain" or yet "Ghost") towards more dynamic, shining and positively charged compositions (e.g.: "Sound Of New", "Game Changer", Reboot Reset Relay", Mr. Vanity, "In The Sound", "For Myself"). Compiled across one full length album, these beautiful, sincere and touchy songs make a whole and reveal PSYAVIAH at his best, expanding his musical spectrum from jazzy trip-hop to electro rock and break beats while staying faithful to his modern electro / EBM roots.