Through Satin Veils Grope
Three years after their debut EP The Art Of Being We, Belgium's PN finally releases their first full-length CD. Again their music is very hard to classify, but the band offers some help by calling it post emo hardcore. And I think that this will give you a general idea what PN is all about. The album can be divided into three parts. The first two songs Givin' Up On Routine and Circle Of Promises are two diverse tracks that often change from melodic parts to angry eruptions full of bad emotions. The next three songs are much smoother with no angry passages. They are quite slow, but never become boring because of the song writing's depth. The vocals are soft and hypnotic, with parallels to Radiohead and Tool. The bass shows that PN also have some jazz influences. Frozen Intentions is the most epic track on the album, but never gets too complicated to follow. Out Of Balance has a nice melody and could be used as a single outtake. Leaning Up Is Taking All Of You is the albums darkest track and suitable for metal heads. It's followed by Kill Minus 9, an instrumental but weird track with some free jazz ideas. The last two tracks are again two songs which follow the path of the two first ones. PN have been able to keep the high level from the debut EP which doesn't surprise me too much because this band has been together since 1992 and surely knows what to do. There are no clichs on the record and fans from Tool, Thursday and Poison The Well will find enough convincing arguments to get this album.