Pissarenko, Oleg
Prii Lapse Ilm/ Free Child World
Oleg Pissarenko is a distinguished and original Estonian guitarist and composer who is known both as a creator of jazz- minimalism and philosophical jazz as well as a charismatic stage performer. Pissarenko makes original music that has been called jazz minimalism or music in its simple and natural form as well as hypnagogic minimalism and post-rock jazz. The music in Oleg Pissarenko Bands newest album might be called jazz-minimalism or "music in all its simplicity and naturalness ". "Free Child World" represents the music of freedom and the world of freedom through a child's eyes. The band can relate to the expression jazz minimalism as jazz and minimalism are in contradiction. Improvisation, virtuosity and wittiness are essential to jazz, but minimalism is focusing only on the basics. The band has inherited jazz traditions still playing positive minimalism."