Pincini, Luca & Gilda Butta
Along Time, Chamber Music For Cello And Piano
Along Time is a journey through years, experiences, private and professional life, and that sublime, intangible art: Music. In this case, it is Music as applied to images, which has made Stefano Mainetti-the composer of this album-and the duo of Luca Pincini on cello and Gilda Buttà on piano, already the principal interpreters of most of the original soundtracks featured on the CD, three preeminent figures not only in the Italian cinematic and musical landscape. Mainetti, who specifically chose these two extraordinary musicians, Butta and Pincini, for this extensive performative journey through his music for the screen, theater, and beyond, is one of those highly acclaimed composers for visual media with an impressive and eclectic portfolio (more than a hundred soundtracks since the 1980s). Similarly, the two performers boast distinguished careers, having played and recorded numerous works for cinema, theater, television, and music in its broadest sense.