Perkins, Lascelles
Sings Studio One And More
Lascelles Perkins was one of the first stars of the Jamaican music scene. Studio Ones leading balladeer and one of the most underrated singers from that time. Lascelles Perkins sang sentimental ballads and he scored massive local hits for Coxsone Dodds Studio One label. Songs like "Lonely Moments" and "Together Forever" other big hits followed "The Mighty Organ" song as a duet with Hortense Ellis, Alton Ellis sister, "Destiny" and a whole catalogue of standards or foreign songs as they were called. Lascelles could sing any song, make it seem effortless and at the same time address it in his own unique style. We have captured Mr Perkins on some lost tapes from producer Bunny Lees archive that capture Lascelles singing some of the big Studio One hits of the day. "Rain from the Skies", "Stick By Me", 2Love me Forever" and "No Man is an Island". Alongside other great tunes from the time like "Dancing Mood", "Pledging My Love", "Take My Hand", "Never Never" and "Dinner For One". Lets hope this set gets Lascelles Perkins back on the musical map and listened to by a whole new audience. Top tunes performed in a style that seems effortless yet is only possible if one has the taken tot pull it off and Mr Perkins has it in bundles.