Peris, Karen
A Song Is Way Above The Lawn
"Karen Peris, singer and songwriter of beloved Pennsylvania band, the innocence mission, offers a timeless album for children, or for listeners of any age, expressing both the universal and the particular sense of wonder and mystery keenly felt in small moments of a day: walking under trees in a city, encountering gentle lions in the public library, seeing dogs from a car window, hearing the opening sounds of the morning, noticing a feeling of connectedness to the larger world. A richly melodic album of great tenderness, often made poignant by Peris singing and piano and chamber - like arrangements. Accompanied by her own full- color illustrations, it shines with a joy of being alive. ""Karen Peris nestles into the corners of beauty, articulating images and ideas just out of view." NPR Music "Music THIS SPECIAL deserves the greatest attention and deepest respect"- Simon Raymonde ( Cocteau Twins, Lost Horizons). "