Orn is a three-piece doom metal band from Toronto. One drummer, two guitarists, and a black wall of amplifiers. From the initial feedback SKREE to colossal low end BWAAAMM that begins Teeth, one recognizes with smile on face that theyve shown up at the right party. Orns doom is heaving and raw, the beloved drone delivered in snarling, unapologetic straight shots. Intensity is built up and torn down within minimal structures, vocalist Adam J. Coopers guttural screams invoking the doomed efforts of one teetering on a precipice, every ounce of strength given to denying freefall into the abyss. Sustaining guitars give way to punishing, insistent rhythms that force their way into your mind, demanding that you close your eyes and bang your head. When restraint is tossed aside and these riffs are allowed extended repetition the music becomes impossibly heavy and hypnotic, hitting you with wave after wave of hard charging, supremely gratifying destroyed noise. For Fans of Ocean, Burning Witch and Graves At Sea! Limited to 1000 copies.