Neptune Power Federation
Le Demon De L'amour
The Neptune Power Federation brings back the love song and rocks as furiously as ever on their fifth studio album, Le Demon De LAmour! The Imperial Princess and her crew of Aussie rockers lord over eight love songs that prove few can push the boundaries of rock and metal like The Neptune Power Federation! Heading into the creation of their fifth studio album, Le Demon De LAmour, Australian psychedelic rock and roll brigade The Neptune Power Federation couldnt let go of the fact that love songs had been commandeered, in their words, by "soft rockers, bedwetters and the introvert crowd." Whereas rock had its glory period during the 1970s and 80s, the art of the love song is now lost within heavier music. Few bands are now willing to venture into such territory - metal and rock have settled comfortably into typical, predictable lyrical tropes that fail to pull at the heartstrings the way they used to. On Le Demon De LAmour, The Neptune Power Federation reclaims the art of the love song as their own